

15 February 2025Feddonhill tidy up Saturday 22 February

A message from community group Regenerate Our Green Space:

Following a very rewarding morning tidying up the pavement at  Cathedral Square in Fortrose, we are having a

SPRING TIDY UP DAY on Saturday 22nd February 10am-12 noon.  

Meet at Feddonhill Playpark which needs some TLC.  

If you have any secateurs or a lopper or a strimmer, or a stiff brush, hoe, shovel, whellbarrow, bucket, weeding tools or perhaps a rake or fork bring it along - some tools will be provided but some extras would be helpful.  Wear gloves and dress appropriately!

Take the first right as you enter the estate and the playpark is on your left.   And to inspire you, here are some "before and after" pictures of Cathedral Square!

15 February 2025Thank you from ShopMobility Highland

16 January 2025Council consultations


The Highland Council is planning to make permanent temporary 20mph speed limits which it introduced in 100 settlements, including in Fortrose and Rosemarkie.  It has opened a five-week public consultation.   FRCC is responding with a suggestion of a more graduated reduction from the national 60 mph speed limt to the 20 mph on the western approach to Fortrose, and asking for consistency and rationalisation elsewhere.  We would encourage residents with opinions to submit their own responses too.  The consultation closes on 10 Feburary.  Details on The Highland Council website.


Last year the Scottish government granted local authorities discretionary powers to impose a visitor levy on those staying in overnight accommodation.  The Highland Council is carrying out a public consultation on plans and wants to hear from residents and local businesses.  The consultation closes on 31 March.  Details on The Highland Council website. 


16 January 2025IDEAS WANTED

As you will know, one of the objectives of Scottish community councils is to promote the well-being of the community and to foster community spirit.

FRCC holds a small number of fund-raising events each year.  Recently, money raised has gone towards improving the villages' Christmas lights, as well as donations to Avoch Primary School and Highland Shopmobility.

We have very limited funds but we are always keen to hear ideas for new LOCAL projects or causes that might appreciate an FRCC donation.  If you have an idea, or would like to get involved in fund-raising, please let us know.

You can contact us via text on 07498 431476 or email us at fortroseandrosemarkie@gmail. com.  

If you would like to receive a monthly update, ask to join our mailing list.


THANK YOU to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this year's Christmas Eve event a success, and to all who came along to join in.  The Cathedral looked spectacular and the weather held!

Particular thanks to William Mather who masterminded the event, to Lorna and Brian Skinner and Isabel Patterson for the beautiful music, to the "Ad Hoc" choir who led the singing and to the Tonkin family for all their contributions, and of course, to our Father Christmas and all his helpers!

The collection raised more than £700, with a donation earmarked for Shopmobility Highland (a charity providing electric scooters, wheelchairs and other hellp for those who find accessing the shops difficult).  We are also hoping to use some of the koney to buy a few more Christmas lamp-post lights ready for next year, especially for Fortrose High Street.

Thank you again to MARY GALLOWAY for kindly donating the magnificent tree for Cathedral Square, and to David Guthrie, Bob Latimer, David Grigor and Nick Lake for putting the tree and the lights up - and crucially, for taking them down before Twelfth Night!  (The random handful which stay up all year belong to the Council, in case you were wondering, and we spotted a couple more this year for which we are grateful!).


Come and join us at FORTROSE CATHEDRAL at 6.30pm on Christmas Eve, 24th December, for the annual community singing of carols and Christmas songs.

We are hoping Santa might drop in to say hello before he sets off on his worldwide journey!

Remember to dress for the weather, bring a torch - and if you need to warm up afterwards, try the Anderson's mulled wine.  

Don't forget to bring some change with you - we'll be collecting for local projects and good causes, including Shopmobility. 

Song sheets will be available as usual at the gate on the night, but you might like to access the words via your phone - easier to see in the dark and saves on paper!  The QR code will be on display by the gate, or (if you are worried about getting a signal) scan it here and screenshot the lyrics to have on your phone. 

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