16 March 2025
Feddon Hill Play Park - thank you to Dicksons of Inverness

FRCC has thanked Dicksons of Inverness for an extremely generous donation of £300 towards restoring and improving Feddon Hill play park.

The park had become derelict, overgrown with weeds, and the play equipment was in poor repair.  It was no longer being maintained by the builder and had not been adopted by the Highland Council.

Following a request for help, the Community Council co-ordinated the formation of an action group, composed of local residents of various ages, who have committed an impressive amount of time and energy to the project.  Local growing group ROGS (Regenerate Our Green Space) has provided essential expertise and organised a very successful Saturday morning "spring tidy up" - pictures below.  The work is ongoing, but vegetation has been cut back, debris cleared and play equipment is in the process of being repaired and restored.

The money so kindly donated by Dicksons will be used to buy membrane and bark to make pathways, and to purchase bulbs, flowers and other items to ensure the play area becomes an attractive amenity for use by local families. 

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